Selkirk Labs 001 and 002 pickleball paddle review

Barrett Kincheloearticle, Reviews 21 Comments

Note: Selkirk Labs is still in development, and things will change over time. This article will be updated accordingly if there are any significant changes in the future. Selkirk Labs is one of the most unique, albeit controversial, paddle releases in recent pickleball history. There are many reasons for this …

9 Major Differences Between Tennis And Pickleball

Barrett Kincheloearticle, Basics 2 Comments

By now you’ve probably heard of this pickleball thing. If you’re a tennis player you’ve probably had someone try to convince you to play pickleball. Or maybe you’ve heard the annoying pings of the pickleball paddle in the distance. But what are the big differences between tennis and pickleball? That’s …