Recommended Gear

Let me level with you, I’m obsessed with pickleball. Throughout my time playing pickleball I have been testing, experimenting and attempting to find the best equipment on the market. Seriously, I can’t even count how many paddles I’ve tried.

With all of this testing and experimenting I’ve built up a huge bank of gear that I find to be the best of the best. That’s what this page is for. I’m going to take you through the best stuff out there and what I personally recommend to everyone I come across. Sometimes manufacturers will send me paddles to check out and review, but I’m not sponsored or anything like that. This is just a resource for you to use so that you know you’re making the right purchasing decisions.

Click on any of the images below to check out my recommended items for that category.

The following pages have been updated for 2024:

Recommended pickleballs.

Further updates will be coming soon!

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