Over the past few months, I’ve written tons of articles on pickleball equipment, tips and guides on how to get started in this wonderful sport. As pickleball grows and becomes more popular, more and more people are going to be curious about the sport and want to join in. I’ve produced plenty of content on how to get started, but not anything about pickleball etiquette, or how you should act as a player on the court.
If you’re new to the game, you may be a bit lost on the court both in terms of how to play and how to act. I know from experience that it can be embarrassing to do something that is considered rude or disrespectful. This is especially the case if you didn’t know beforehand! Imagine sneezing while someone is putting in golf or something similar. For advanced players, you may find a gem or two, or at least a reminder about some important etiquette tips.
Also, I promise these aren’t personal pet peeves of mine. These are objective etiquette principles that are shared throughout most of the sporting world.
Enough chatting, let’s do this!
Don’t lob behind restricted players
I’m starting with the most serious infraction first and for good reason. Believe me, this has to do with proper etiquette, but it’s more about safety than being courteous.
We all know that you have to do whatever it takes to win in a tournament setting. If that means lobbing behind immobile players or people who can hardly run for the ball, then so be it. But in recreational play, this is considered to be extremely disrespectful, cheap and annoying.
Most movement restricted players aren’t going to bother even looking at a lobbed ball. But they may scowl at you instead as the ball is sailing over their head. You’ve won a free point, but at what cost? It’s no fun for the restricted player in question, and not for anyone else as well.
But it’s just not the etiquette part of this that is bad. It’s that some of these players may try to run for the ball, which can be a serious safety risk. Some older or restricted players still have that competitive flair. So while a lot of them know that they shouldn’t attempt to run backwards, some do. Although it is their choice on whether or not they run for the ball, there’s no need to tempt them with a lob.
I’ve witnessed a few seniors falling at the locations I play at. It’s scary. It’s something that I never want to see again. Please reconsider lobbing behind movement-restricted players. It’s not only disrespectful, but can get someone hurt in the process.
Call out the score loudly before you serve
Ok, I promise the others in this list won’t be as serious as the previous one!
I’m sure you’ve experienced that feeling of “being in the groove”, or in flow. This happens with pickleball as well. Oftentimes we can get so possessed by a winning streak that we forget to call out the serve. For some though, this is very annoying and people can easily lose track of the score.
There are 3 different numbers to keep track of and everyone from beginners to advanced players can get confused. In fact, whenever I teach beginners, it’s the score that trips them up the most. This is why having a constant update at the beginning of each serve is so helpful. So do everyone a favor and call out the score loudly so that things don’t get off track.
Meet at the net after a game
If you’re an advanced player you obviously know about this. But for beginners, this is how you typically conclude every game. And by every game, I mean every single game. It’s considered to be extremely rude if you don’t meet at the net. Believe me, no one is going to want to play with you again if you storm off after a game.
When people meet at the net they typically stick their paddles out to sort of “high five” in our own pickleball way. You don’t have to smack the paddle, but just making contact is fine. Some people will also stick the handle of their paddle out instead of the face. This is because some players don’t want to risk damaging the paddle face or the edge guard. Most people just use the paddle face, but do whatever is comfortable for you.
Wait until everyone is ready before you serve
This point is actually mentioned in the official tournament rulebook, but I’m going to be talking about this in terms of recreational play. In tournament play, if the return server is not giving a “not ready” signal, then the server can start as long as the score has been called by the official.
As you know, this isn’t how it works in recreational play. But sometimes you will see people serve when someone on the court clearly isn’t ready. It’s common for random balls to roll onto the court, or for someone to hop over to a ball and kick it out of the court. If you see someone doing this, don’t serve! It’s not against the rules to serve at this point, but it’s considered good etiquette to wait.
Congratulate opponents on amazing shots
Throughout your pickleball journey you will witness shots that correlate with the alignment of the planets. I’ve seen people do some crazy stuff. You name it: hitting the ball between the legs, around the post shots, or even serves that hit the top corner of the receivers Court. Sometimes you will see amazing shots and they almost always deserve congratulations.
Be sure you speak up and congratulate whoever made the shot, even if it’s your opponent and even if it means that you lost. Don’t be that guy that stays silent when an unbelievable shot is made.
Ball management
Pickleball is a crazy, fast-paced sport that you can easily lose track of.
Especially the pickleballs themselves
This one doesn’t have as much to do with etiquette as the others but I still think it’s important. Let me give you a bullet list of things to keep in mind when it comes to ball management.
- If a ball gets caught in your side of the net, but it needs to go to your opponent, don’t weakly throw the ball back over. Make sure it reaches your opponent.
- Try to have a few balls in your pocket. This keeps people from having to hunt down balls all the time.
- Everyone has to hunt down balls sometimes, do your part and do it as well!
- If someone goes out of their way to get a ball for you, say thanks for going through the trouble.
Don’t give people lessons on the court
Unless they want them that is.
One of the great things about pickleball is that everyone wants everyone else to get better.
That’s a good thing.
But there’s a line that you don’t want to cross with this. Most people who come to play recreational pickleball are just there for fun. They don’t care if they win or lose and they probably don’t even care if they improve or not. Trying to give them lessons on the court can make their experience and annoying and frustrating.
I always appreciate people who want to see people improve and who want to see the game spread. But make sure you ask players if they want tips while they play. It makes a huge difference and it makes them more likely to actually listen to you.
Watch the outbursts
I’ve talked about this subject before, but it bears repeating.
Very few people in the pickleball world like playing with a hothead. There’s nothing worse than being partnered with someone who curses loudly or constantly smacks their paddle on their leg. There’s nothing wrong with being competitive and passionate about pickleball. In fact, it’s encouraged. But there’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed.
A lot of what goes into sports etiquette has to do with how your behavior affects people around you. One of the worst ways to affect everyone around you is to let your anger get out of control. It makes people feel uncomfortable and it can make your partner feel like it’s their fault. It’s just not good in general!
If you’re this kind of person, I totally understand. I used to be like this when I was younger. Every single green missed and bunker hit would be like the end of the world. Try to recognize that you’re not playing for the championship game. Your behavior has an effect on the people around you and you are responsible for that!
Be aware of time used on the court
This rule is especially pertinent if you’re playing at a location that is extremely busy. I’ve been at locations where there’s somewhere between 5-6 games waiting in line. If you’re on the court and you see an enormous wait line, don’t dawdle!
There’s nothing wrong with having a blast on the court while there’s a long wait line. Oftentimes long points will end in laughter and a few moments of banter.
This is perfectly fine.
But it’s a much different issue if you’re trying to teach someone how to serve or something similar. There’s nothing wrong with helping beginners out on the court, but when people are waiting it’s better to save that until after the game is over.
When it’s a busy night on the pickleball court certain venues will only play to 9 instead of 11. It’s important to respect these rules. Respecting these rules also respects other people’s time. You would never want to be held up on the court either, so be aware of your pace of play while on the court.
Wrapping it up
I hope that this article has been useful for you!
I think that pickleball etiquette is important to remember when you’re on the court. Do you have any pickleball etiquette ideas?
Comments 68
What’s the correct reaction to someone who won’t play by the rules?
Tell them they suck and they should quit.
Mesa, This (no etiquette or sportsmanship) is during ” open play”; it seems to me if the “A team” wants to only play each other; they are the ones who should be meeting during non open hours! In Oregon where I live in summer, when your paddle is up, you go out with the next 3 players whomever they may be. We split, with the strongest player with a weaker one; fairness and common courtesy, the driving force for fun for everyone! The 2019 Junior National champion Will?, goes right out and plays with or against you; he is gracious, kind and very very good.
The supposed ” A team” I am talking about, may be better than me; but no where near National medal level! None of you, have the right to disrespect other players Guess what? 1960 wants their playground bully back! No one has the right to shame anyone else. The truly great players, are gracious and kind! It’s a pickleball game,; no one is asking for your hand in marriage; or to go steady. Lesser play, is not catching; unless you’re not as good as you think you are! I’m pretty sure on everyone’s way up many gracious players were kind and inclusive! Time to give back; and pay it forward, please! Happy New Year!
Some players hit to the face to get a point. This is dangerous! When Player was rushed to urgent care ,his eye all bloody after being hit with a pickle ball
Grace…im an older guys (78) now, who for years …played tennis and and quite a bit of ping-pong…before getting hooked on pickleball in 2020.
Getting hit in the face is no laughing matter as a harder hit /spinning ball can easily split a lip and such a hit to the eye…is too often a trip to the ER.
I can hit hard for sure and my intended target for such things as a slam is to opponents feet. I have been hit to the body so many times, but it rarely hurts….the face is a different matter and why wearing safety glasses is so important!! A racquetball player hit a ball cross court with intense spin that hit the outside corner of my right lens /spun into the cheekbone & got a bloodblister. Another time got hit right between the eyes (both times ..wearing my good eye protection saved my bacon)…..the few times, by accident….that Ive hit anyone in the face (sometimes they just misjudge the ball, but always ask if they are OK@@
The worst thing Pickleball players do is what I call a “toxic game.”
A player on the opposite side hits only to his friend on your side. The friend hits lots of volleys back-and-forth but always ends by hitting it out of bounds. He/she misses all his serves -may even hit a ball out from in front of you to keep your score low .(The other team won’t hit to you -you might hit it back.)
The toxic game usually happens when two players selfishly want to have all of the play. It can go on a long time if you let it. I end the “game” fast, and go on to play with someone else who will play for real.
How do you suggest dealing with court and player rotation so that certain players don’t hog the courts and others are cycled in? We are usually six to 12 players two courts. It’s getting so irritating that a few inconsiderate players have no consciousness about sitting out. Would be so great to have an agreed upon plan. Help! And thank you!
Oh my gosh! This is exactly what is happening to us and it is causing a great rift! We had 21 players today vying for 4 courts. On one court we had 4 players refusing to rotate – so we had 5 players waiting all the time- how do we fix this problem? We play at a city park (although the courts were built by club members just last year).
how do you deal with being discriminated against because you’re not that great of a player? I was the next in play with a very aggressive group and asked to wait until another group start it I was told I had to go in. As I was walking onto the court one of the players asked if I really wanted to play with them because I was not that good of a player. I was totally embarrassed and humiliated and went low and cussed the guy out. No one on the other courts even jumped in to support me. I absolutely love the game! I am not aggressive and enjoy the fun and laughter we usually have with our foursome! They had a split up so everyone could have a turn playing. I just really like to get some peoples thoughts on this. With this be considered discrimination? We were only playing till nine and this guy cannot just sweat it out so I could play?!
It’s crummy behavior for sure. Sorry that you had to deal with this. I hear about this every now and then. As I’ve told a lot of people, the only real solution to problems of this nature is to organize your own private games. It takes a lot more work but is better for you in the long run. Use that humiliation and embarrassment to fuel your passion for improvement. Let that energy feed into your training. Watch all my videos, watch everyone else’s videos and even sign up for PK Academy (my paid service), if you have to. One day, you’ll beat those types of players! Let me know if you need any help!
Hi how can I find out what the reply was to my comment was a few weeks ago
Hi Barrett!
I love your instructional videos…how I solved a pickleball problem of advanced players and bad sportsmanship…I started a recreational match-up group, “Pickle FOR FUN”. Yes, it took some work and negotiation to get it accomplished. But it was WORTH it! The competitive players can do their own thing on the other side of a 6 court venue. We’re growing in popularity. Folks who just wanted to play for fun were getting tired of snarky comments from “the elites”, we are friendly, respect and support one another. AND…in spite of not doing the “competitive grind”, we’re all improving, and players are very happy in the group. “Using humiliation and embarrassment to fuel passion for improvement” — valid, but our group players will never be humiliated nor embarrassed. Positive reinforcement works!
I have a coordinator who never lets me play up I’m getting g bored she has protégés that she keeps moving along and leaving people like me behind who others say am a good player I had two people I started with that I used to be able to beat now have moved up and I’m still behind and am getting worse because I’ve lost confidence and and are never being challenged
Happens all the time😥
I’ve been playing almost 3 years on and off and although I have gotten better, I still lose many, many, many games. I don’t play just to win. If I did I couldn’t play anymore! I make it a point to be nice but lately, people can be so rude!!!!! I had to tell one of my partners today whom I never played with nor met before, to literally, take it easy. She was so rude and confrontational which was making my playing with her on her side worse. We did lose, but once she “shut up” and stopped criticizing me, at least the game got more competitive and I ultimately played better.
I will continue to go to the open play in my area. If other players who are on my team because that’s where the paddle landed (sort of speak), and if they get too obnoxious, I will call them out. I always strive to be polite, But I will definitely be avoiding her and a few others, unfortunately.
I really appreciate this article.
Get better!
Here’s what makes me not play at the gym where I am a member— the other players feel it is their duty to point out that I am holding the paddle wrong or that if I would only … and the criticism continues—- I am actually a good player—just not ever given many chances. The instructor couldn’t remember me, so I only took two lessons. I am pretty good after just 2 lessons—but I am not perfect—so it is less stressful for me not to play.
Sorry I’m a 4 level player and it’s not much fun to play with lower level players. I don’t mind teaching the game to new players and playing with them some but you will find as you get better you’ll enjoy the game much more if all players are close to the same level.
Winners stay on the court and losers are replaced by waiting players. Winners stay on the court for a max of two (or another number) games.
If you feel you don’t want to play with the next players that are lined up in the paddle saddle with you just say you’ll pass this game and join the next one. You do not have to give a reason why.
Another variation is to split the winning team to opposite sides of the net and two waiting players take the opposite sides.
Hope this helps.
Hi, I’ve made several stands that hold the paddles, One side is for the winners and the other side is for the almost winners. I put on a arrow that indicates which side come on the open court next. The first 4 paddles go on the court, first may be 4 winners and next out is 4 almost winners. My stands hold 10 paddles on each side but could be made much larger. These stands work excellent in controlling who come onto the open court. Gerald in Calgary
A year ago, we paid a half million dollars to live in a California Desert community with strong Pickleball focus. A new President to our Pickleball community association, has brought a culture of elitism. You’re on the name board waiting to play: the Elites show up and walk onto the court and quickly form their own group and start play, doesn’t matter who has been waiting, how long to play! They consider themselves the “A team” and prefer not to play with “lesser” players! This is hurtful and very disheartening; if you have the audacity to bring it up they more or less pat you on the head and continue their bad behavior! It’s not just a few; but has become “the many” with a pack mentality and no concept of fair play and sportsmanship! I know this is not unique to here; how have others solved this dilemma?
just go on to the court where you’ve been waiting!!!
The two biggest etiquette areas I see are 1) issues around playing up and playing down. New and beginner players need to get games, and yet they need to be respectful of advanced players wanting to play advanced games. I rarely see advanced players offering to let new players into a game with them, and wish it would happen more. But I have seen a beginner be very pushy about wanting to be included over and over. 2) Be aware and respectful of shared and crowded courts–if people are waiting to play, play one game and rotate out. Or if you are drilling, play for fifteen minutes and rotate out. Courts should have a posted sign so that is clear to everyone.
Mesa, This (no etiquette or sportsmanship) is during ” open play”; it seems to me if the “A team” wants to only play each other; they are the ones who should be meeting during non open hours! In Oregon where I live in summer, when your paddle is up, you go out with the next 3 players whomever they may be. We split, with the strongest player with a weaker one; fairness and common courtesy, the driving force for fun for everyone! The 2019 Junior National champion Will?, goes right out and plays with or against you; he is gracious, kind and very very good.
The supposed ” A team” I am talking about, may be better than me; but no where near National medal level! None of you, have the right to disrespect other players Guess what? 1960 wants their playground bully back! No one has the right to shame anyone else. The truly great players, are gracious and kind! It’s a pickleball game,; no one is asking for your hand in marriage; or to go steady. Lesser play, is not catching; unless you’re not as good as you think you are! I’m pretty sure on everyone’s way up many gracious players were kind and inclusive! Time to give back and pay it forward, please! Happy New Year!
These are great tips and reminders. However, I would add that until this COVID-19 pandemic is under control, we do “virtual” paddle taps at the net after a game has ended.
Great videos on YouTube BTW. Thanks for all the tips. Here’s a possible #10 for this article: When making “out” calls, don’t mumble, or remain silent. Shout it out! Don’t assume everyone on the court saw the same thing you saw. Especially, when you were in the best position to make the call. It’s frustrating when the ball bounces near a line and the player closest to it says nothing and silently walks away to retrieve the ball leaving everyone hanging. Or, worse, hits the ball then waits a few more shots before “reminding” everyone they called it out. Be loud and proud. And, don’t forget that if your back is turned to everyone else to be even louder so that everyone in the next county can hear you.
In tennis, you use hand signals to indicate if the ball was in or out. Pointing into the air means OUT, a flat hand to the ground means IN.
Also in tennis, my first rule of etiquette: don’t walk behind a court when the ball is in play! I don’t even enter through the gate if that court is in the middle of a point.
I’m pretty new to pickleball but it seems like you’re not allowed to play singles. My wife and I like to play singles but everytime we’re told we cannot and must play doubles. Would love to understand the etiquette around singles versus doubles.
During recreational play, three of us were playing. We didn’t have a 4th. We didn’t want a 4th. This one guy asked if we needed a 4th and I said no thanks. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. I explained that we like playing with 3 but he kept pushing. Why would someone want to force their way into a game when they aren’t wanted? Was I wrong to say no to a 4th? Is that an etiquette thing? Personally I would have taken the no and asked elsewhere if I were him!
We were told by another player we were not good enough to play a friendly game with him. He claims to be rated a 4, is about 80 years old and not very mobile. He was pretty rude about it. Unfortunately several players at this location refuse to play with others they deem not worthy. Dirty looks and all. There are usually enough people who are good sports to play with. I posted on the local website regarding the issue and the offending people are even worse now. We are looking for other locations to play. Suggestions on how to deal with this mentality?
I wish there was more articles on I am daily runner etc very athletic but not a smasher/ bullets like player at Pickleball…Trying very hard to improve my strength by even going to the wall ( almost everyday )and practice so that I may be more interesting to play with . Some very good players are actually very nice giving me tips. …but others , only a few will take themselves for a coach and start criticizing from the side ( the peanut gallery Prem guru called this )
then our new president did the same thing shouting ” you always step into the court while serving ” ..I thanked him but asked him afterwards if he could wait until I’m done playing as it throws me off …which he took very badly ridiculing ” my emotions “….
During free play do people have to rotate? Last night no one was giving up their courts or rotating for hours taking 15 min water breaks sitting down on the court.
I’ve found that many pickleball players do not have a background in playing sports competitively past 8th grade so they seem to be worried about strange things. While I might be focused on winning a point, I’ve found many players seem to be concerned with who poached a shot or some kind of nonsense like that. These players suffer tremendously from a weak mindset and they basically lose before they even start. I find it rather amusing to be honest. Here’s an idea for you: toughen up, stop worrying about small stuff and make every possible effort to get better. It gives pickleball a bad name when weak minded individuals are so soft that they can’t focus on the game at hand. These same players claim to be 4.0 players in some cases. It’s even more amusing when grown men or women in their 50’s and 60’s resort to acting like infants when they can’t win. Time to toughen up boys and girls.
I just started playing and trying to navigate what the hell is going on in the pickleball world! I’m athletic and when I’ve played I’ve won and lost during the play. The players think very highly of themselves and will put you down while they are making mistakes. I’m confused! Js
Why not try to be a good sport? For some reason right handed people seem to think they control the middle. “Only they can get the shot” is the mentality. Well guess what – 75% of their poaching goes awry. Just be respectful and let your partner have the ball coming to his/her side of the court.
Any ideas as to how to put your identification on your raquet?
I would put your initials on the buttcap. Be careful about where you put your name on the face though. There are rules that govern that.
Note: In 2020 the rule was changed and your name can go on the face of the paddle up to 1″ above the handle.
Dyno marker tape along the edge, by the handle
If you have any of those mailing return address stickers, I put one on the top frame of my racket. We use a racket holder to determine who plays next and a name on a racket goes a long way to getting people out there quickly!
magic market signature
How do you feel about a female player “hitting” on a married female player?
Several of the other players in our social group were outraged. Not sure if there
is an etiquette “rule”……
I think that’s just inappropriate in general. Pickleball etiquette doesn’t matter here. That’s just wrong!
And—how do you feel about men ogle eying younger female players?
I frequently verbally berate myself when I make a bad shot or mistake. I have never really considered how off-putting that is to others. I have work to do.
That’s great self-awareness! Good for you!
going over to your partners side of the court when you have a good shot- should you take it ?
It depends on your partner. This is called poaching. If they’re OK with it, then it’s fine. In tournament play, you always poach if you can make it a winning shot. But sometimes in rec play, people don’t like it. It just depends on your context.
What do you do when an opponent continues to serve in correctly after being told numerous times?
As back up only. Unless you are competitive players in a competition and have your game mutually worked out..let your partner have his/her shot. Life is simple on the recreational level. Be respectful.
What can be done about a pickle ball Ambassador that is a bully on the court? Example : If your a fairly new player, she will not play with you. She will literally tell you ” no you go play with Lisa or Mary, (the person on the opposite side. Also, she comes in late and will change the way the game is being managed to her avenged . Example: Winners stay on, 3 people waiting to play. She comes in, now there are 4 people waiting. Two courts. She say’s ” OH NO 4 off there are people waiting”, She goes in and played the next four (4) yes the next four games. When confronted about how she gets to stay in for four games when there are now more then 8 people waiting she say’s ” oh they change it, what do you want me to do? She was told ” Sit down and let someone else play” She continued to play her forth game sat out one and got back in. This is on going with this person. She has gotten in Numerous verbal arguments with players.
Hi Dee,
You need to report this to the USAPA.
Thank you! Ambassador I dealt with was nasty, too! A round robin which won’t count against anyone’s rating is a perfect time to show a high level tennis player and very athletic player the critical soft touch parts of the sport. She was just nasty and rude!
What can you do when your ball goes into the neighboring court and the players there just let it keep going into the farthest court?
Yes, I’m yelling “ball”. After the third occurrence I lost it completely and TOLD the player that they should attempt to stop and return my ball for etiquette and safety. Then my partner got into it as well and there were a few minutes of “how rude”, etc.
Half an hour later an apology was extended to my partner, now my opponent during our game, stopping play for a good minute.
So, how does one get etiquette across in a drop in situation?
There’s not much you can do about these situations, unfortunately. If a ball is rolling into your neighboring court, all you can do is yell ball if you think it’s going to interfere with their play or for safety reasons. Should those players have tried to return the ball to you? Yes, and a friendly reminder of that is what’s important. If you get mad at them, it’s not going to go down well! Talk to them after the game about etiquette instead of trying to do it on the court.
If you are playing a restricted player and return a serve deep followed by a well place dink would that be considered bad etiquette as well? It’s kind of the same just going forward. I’ve seen mobile players fall try to cover that.
Also I slap my leg a good bit after a bad shot. Never really thought about that being bad etiquette. I guess I will make an effort not to do that anymore. I haven’t played in a tournament yet but I hope to someday.
I don’t think it’s bad etiquette because that’s how the game is supposed to be played. But if you’re doing it over and over again because you know he can’t get it, then he may just get annoyed with you. Know what I mean? But hey, the third shot drop is a huge part of the game and people have to get to that kitchen line quickly! It’s lobs that are the issue.
I don’t think slapping your leg is bad etiquette at this point in the game’s development. However, it is bad for your paddle. I would try to stay away from it if you can!
What r the rules about talking to your partner or opponents in a polite way or quietly saying bam after I hit the ball…
There’s a hindrance rule in Pickleball. If your opponent is in the process of swinging, and you yell at them, they can call hindrance on you. If it’s quiet, it’s not a big deal. Just use common sense and you’ll be fine.
Is it bad etiquette to talk to your partner as an encouragement and is it bad etiquette to say like “bam” quietly while hitting the ball….my recent partner got peeved if I said anything on court…this is just club playing….no tournament….
It’s not bad etiquette at all, but sometimes people don’t like to be talked to while they’re swinging. For example, if a ball gets popped up to me, and my partner yells “SMASH IT!” Well, in the heat of the moment, I may think he’s saying something else. So it’s to keep the communication open to the most important things like who’s getting the ball.
The people and sport are great. Just Like high school albeit 50 + years later. Fun says it all.
Lobbing is something you do instinctively when opponents are both up at net/kitchen. Yet, I do suggest not to do it to older restricted players, if you can.
Basic etiquette like passing the errant ball back to the other court like it’s a nuisance to you, even if it is, or to the opponent when their backs are turned.
Look you need to understand the need to look them in the eye before passing it.
No don’t throw that ball. Use the paddle in your hand instead, hello! The more you engage the paddle and ball the sooner you’ll get adept at it. Also, I recommend bouncing or dropping the ball in front of you. It’ll be more accurate that way and you can control it better. It means a lot if you get a thank you instead of a frown etc. lol! Make an attempt to repeat the score when you hear it and figure out who serves next I can’t tell you how absolutely tiresome it gets when people don’t make any attempt. Yes I realize the dimentia and Alzheimer’s etc. but some of them are just plain LAZY and pigheaded and don’t know the last thing about propriety and sportsmanship. Some of them have never ever played an active sport in their prior years. They engaged in dormant activities only for whatever reason. Now they get enjoyment from playing Pickleball, great! Selfish and lazy people who want to just ignore all rules and etiquette. How does one exist like that? That’s what makes me shake my head and go Brrrrrrr! Lol! Cheers!
I play Pickleball both indoors and outdoors. They’re worlds apart, in both level of play and understanding. Indoors it is a multipurpose gym setting. People tell me they’re just there to have fun and still ask you questions for better clarity. I should just simply have told them I’m not going to give free lessons since it’s a community center setting and I can’t change there. Instead I gave them free advice. They turned out to be backstabbers over a period of time. Don’t know if it’s envy or some other problem but really couldn’t care less about petty minds.
Outdoors they’re competitive and know the rules and it’s a lot more satisfying to get a good competitive workout with good sportsmanship. The only reason I play indoors is my health insurance that pays for it, knows I stay active and tracks that I’m there several times a week. If it weren’t for that I’d just play outdoors with better players all the time. It’s free to play there as well. Cheers!
Thanks for your feedback.
I play using Meetups and play with different people who have different skills. There is a premium placed on etiquette and thats great.
Mine / Yours and other terms. How can I get the people I play with to be more verbal? I agree its really hard to do, talk and chew gum one might say.
Talk and chew gum is a great way to put it. How to get people to be more verbal is a great question. If it’s a completely random person, I don’t know if there’s a way.
If it’s someone you know or a pickleball buddy I think there are a few things you can do. While you’re walking to the court at the beginning of a game, just mention that you’re working on team communication skills. Talk about what kind of language you like to use when on the court so that they have an understanding. Encourage them to join you. Mention to them that teams with better communication win more games. Perhaps that will persuade them. I think this could be a great article for me to write. I may do that next week! Thank you for your questions!
The Mine / Yours, Out, In, Let it go Conundrum-
When and how often should we use these terms ? I have found a lot of 3.0 – 4.0 players ( in non- tournament play) that seem to underutilize communication on the court as in real life. There seems to be a premium placed on mind reading verses true partnering.
Personally, I use those terms all the time. I think that sometimes using the verbal side of things combined with the performance side can be difficult. It’s kind of like bouncing a soccer ball up and down while explaining the literary significance of Shakespeare’s work. It’s really hard to do. Maybe that’s it? Does that answer your question?